Freitag, 8. Oktober 2010

Will it be storm?

Like during the old good times of the World Championship, the streets were fool of people hurrying up and lots of traffic jams. A very important soccer game is about to start - Germany versus Turkey, or Turkey versus Germany - and, can't wait the follow up, mostly given the intense discussions in the last months and weeks about integration, multi-kulti (a term overused but rarely discussed critically), who is German - and who is not, and why not.

I remember that during this year Championship - Germans are extreme fans of soccer, was surprised (as an observer and nothing more) to discover it in 2006, when I landed here for the first time - I observed amused the strong Turkish support for Germany (see the picture below). In the German team, one of the famous name is Mesut Ozil, of Turkish origin and he will play tonight against Turkey. What if he will mark against Turkey? What to comment from somebody as Sarrazin and his followers, for example?

I would like to be able to feel the atmosphere of the game somewhere in Wedding or in Neukolln. But, for various reasons, I will be home sitting, only reading the echoes thereafter. 

PS - the date appearing on the photo is, of course, misleading. The picture was made in 2010, during the South-African World UEFA Championship, near Tiergarten.

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